Responsible gaming

Family Game Online asks you to play moderately.

In general, players consider the game as entertainment and a moment of relaxation. However, some players may gradually develop a gambling addiction that can cause financial, family or personal problems.

Increasing the length or frequency of play may for some people encourage a state of dependency or cause a certain emotional vulnerability.

The user should know that addiction is inappropriate, persistent and repeated playing of the game. The pleasure of playing is transformed into a compelling need to play with harmful consequences for the player and their close family and friends.

The Player may consult the "RESPONSIBLE GAMING" section at any time available on all pages of the website. In this section, the Players will have at their disposal, useful tips to prevent all risks of dependency, the opportunity to enrol on the registers of persons banned from gaming and the procedure to follow as well as finding a list of agencies specialised in combating addiction.

If you think you may be dependent on gaming or want to talk about your dependency, you can contact SOS GAMES line on 0800/35.777, 24/7. You can also consult the Gaming Clinic site.

Remember that the Gaming Commission protects players. If you wish, you can have yourself banned from access to casinos, gaming rooms and online gaming by returning the voluntary ban application form. If you would like to submit this request on behalf of someone else, please submit the third party exclusion form.

For more information, go the Gaming Commission's website.

Useful Addresses


Dostoievski pathological gambling clinic

Medical psychiatry and psychology service / Brugmann University
Hospital Centre
Place Van Gehuchten 4
1020 Brussels
Tél: 02/477.37.70
E-mail: [email protected]
Site web: De kliniek voor speelverslaving

Association for preventing abuse and protecting players

Rue d'Atois 16
1000 Brussels

Le pelican asbl

Rue Drootbeek 32
1020 Bruxelles
Tél: 02/502.08.6
E-mail: [email protected]
Site web: Le Pelican

Gamblers Anonymous of Brussels

Avenue Henri Jaspar 117
1060 Brussels
Tél: 02/538.08.80
Tél: 0477/59.96.75

Centrum voor geestesgezondheid Brussel / Houba

Houba de Strooperlaan 136
1020 Brussel
Tél: 02/478.90.90

Province of Walloon Brabant

Louvain-la-Neuve guidance centre

Service de santé Mental agrée
Grand Place 43
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Tél: 010/47.44.08
Tél: 010/47.87.42

Province of Liège

"Petit Bourgogne" psychiatric hospital centre

Rue Professeur Mahaim, 84
4000 Liège
Tél: 04/254.77.11

Social centre of the province of Liège

Rue Beeckman, 26
4000 Liège
Tél: 04/237.93.18

La Clé outpatients hospital

Boulevard de la Constitution, 153
4020 Liège
Tél: 04/342.65.96

Gamblers Anonymous of Liège

Rue de l'Eglise 3
4032 Liège (Chênée)
Tél: 0486/18.40.90

Province of Hainaut

Gamblers Anonymous of Tournai

Rue du Chatêau 19
7500 Tournai
Tél: 0497/81.45.86

Vincent Van Gogh Hospital - (Charleroi university hospital)

Rue de l'Hôpital, 55
6030 Marchienne-au-Pont
Tél: 071/92.35.09
E-mail: [email protected]


Rue de Biezet 2
7600 Tournai
Tél: 069/77.05.74
Tél: 069/85.86.22

Province of Namur

Gamblers Anonymous of Marche-en-Famenne

Centre Culturel
Chaussée de l'Ourthe 74
6900 Marche-en-Famenne
Tél: 0496/27.65.96

ASBL Sesame

Rue de Bruxelles 18
5000 Namur
Tél: 081/23.04.40
Tél: 081/26.03.15
E-mail: [email protected]
Site web: Sesame

Province of Antwerp

Centrum voor geestesgezondheid Vagga

Boomgaardstraat 7
2018 Antwerpen
Tél: 03/285.95.65
E-mail: [email protected]

Centrum voor geestesgezondheid Kempen - De Meander

Parklaan 55 bus 17
2300 Turnhout
Tél: 014/47.12.20


Karel Coggestraat 11
2600 Antwerpen
Tél: 03/345.80.70
Site web: Reset

Province of Limburg

Centra voor alcohol- en andere drugproblemen vzw

Salvatorstraat 25
3500 Hasselt
Tél: 011/27.42.98
E-mail: [email protected]
Site web: Cadlimburg

Province of Vlaams-Brabant

Centrum voor geestesgezondheid Vlaams-Brabant Oost

Vital Decosterstaat 86
3000 Leuven
Tél: 016/32.97.00

Werkgroep tegen gokverslaving vzw

Hazeveld 5
1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw
E-mail: [email protected]
Site web: wtgv

Province of West-Vlaanderen

Centrum voor geestesgezondheid Eclips - CAT

Lange Violettestraat 84
9000 Gent
Tél: 09/233.58.58

Centrum voor geestesgezondheid waas en dender - Delta

Antwerpsesteenweg 187
9100 Sint-Niklaas
Tél: 03/760.00.70

Province of Oost-Vlaanderen

Centrum voor geestesgezondheid Noord-West-Vlaanderen

Frère Orbanstraat 143
8400 Oostende
Tél: 059/50.05.00

Poliklinisch ontwenningscentrum (POC)

Ruddershove 10
8000 Brugge
Tél: 050/45.23.90

Psychiatrisch ziekenhuis Sint-Amandus

Reigerlostraat 10
8730 Beernem
Tél: 050/79.95.00